Monday, December 8, 2008

conversations with my daughter

Ameryn: Hey Momma, is God everywhere?

Me: Yes, baby, He is everywhere.

Ameryn: Is he in the flowers?

Me: Yes He is!

Ameryn: Is he in the Grass?

Me : He sure is!

(many more questions about where God is)

Me: Do you know where the best place that God is?

Ameryn: Where?

Me: He is in our hearts!

Ameryn: I know that,(thoughtful pause)Do we run so that he can get air?

Me: We absolutely do:)

I think that the car is where my daughter and I have the most thought provoking conversations. I don't know what it is, but that is where she throws me the biggest questions. Most recently we had the discussion about death. We drove by the cemetery as they were having their candlelight service. She was wondering why all of the candles were on the ground and I explained that each of those candles is on the place where a person is buried. "So that is all of the bad people?" she asked. "Well, I'm sure that some were good people and some were bad, but all people die, not just the bad ones. Do you know that when we die we get to go and live with Jesus? "We do?" "Yes, because we have faith, which means that we believe with all of our hears that Jesus came and died on the cross to take away all the bad things that we do. That means that we put our trust in him alone to save us, because we could never be good enough to get to Heaven on our own." "because we forget sometimes momma?" "Yep that's right."" Hey Momma?" "Yeah, baby?" "You know they beat him with belts, right?" "Yeah, baby, I do." Pause... "Momma, can satan get us when we are in Heaven?" "Nope, satan can't get into Heaven, he has to live in hell." She sighs here, shakes her head and says like it is the worst place ever..".jail!"


Katelyn said...

oh i love this.Ameryn is so very special.She always finds a way to make my heart happy.

Dana said...

They are so funny at this age aren't they??? Adorable conversation!

Talysa said...

Oh my word that is precious..."jail!"...she is adorable and you are a good momma! :-)