Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Planet of the Apes

This weekend we had beautiful 70 degree weather, so we packed up and went to the zoo. while at the gibbon exhibit, my daughter said to her Daddy: "Daddy, those monkey's don't have tails."

"You're right, they don't have tails" he replied. She then very matter of factly stated, "Then they are apes." I love this kid:).

Later that evening we went to eat at Cock of the Walk. We had a hard time not bursting out with laughter when we overheard this conversation at the table next to us.

Woman: "Does it look blurry in here to you?"

Man: "Yes, I think it is a little blurry in here!"

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

hahaha!i just bursted out laughing in the middle of band rehearsal...im still giggling as i write this and i am definitely getting crazy looks from everyone in the room....or maybe im not...maybe i cant see cleary bc of all the blur floating around.