Friday, January 9, 2009

Conversations With My Daughter

Recently, Ameryn and I had a discussion about how God and Jesus are actually the same person. I don't really know how we got on this particular topic, but we were, of course, in the car. After being certain that I had completely confused her, and that she would never want to have discussions on this topic again, I asked her if she understood what I was explaining to her. She said "yeah, Momma, Jesus and God are the same." This kid amazes me sometimes. And then, just when you are thinking that you are getting the hang of discussing deep, philosophical principles with your four year old, she totally throws you for a loop. On the ride home from a day out with Daddy, Rogan, and Me, she asked "does God have a mother?" "Well no, baby, God doesn't have a mother, he has always here. " Can you see where this is going? I have to wonder if she plans these things, to see if her parents know what they are talking about. "Yes, he does have a mother" She states. "Well no, baby, he doesn't. You see, God was here before anything else was, He is the beginning of all things. He is the one that created everything else. He was the first." "Yes, He does have a mother. Her name was Mary. Remember that Jesus and God are the same?" You have to love this girl:)

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