Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Where's my ten two cotton picking minutes?

OK, yesterday, after cleaning up in the kitchen and getting everything ready to mop (including getting out the wet jet), I leave the room for no more than two minutes. I mean come on, two minutes! As I walk back toward the kitchen, I start to smell the delightful smell of the floor solution. Wait a minute, I have not sprayed any solution, so I should not be smelling any yet! Then I find this:
If you can't tell, that is seriously a giant puddle. I mopped the entire floor without having to add more spray, and still had to go over the whole thing with a dry rag! My boy, he just wants to help his Momma (or he thinks it is awesome that he can push a button on the mop and water flies out every where, take your pick:). And yes people, that is a car washing cloth secured onto the swiffer with two soft hair bands. Why keep buying the pads when you can just throw that cloth into the washer and reuse it!

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

hahaha!hes a nut...he is almost the exact opposite of ameryn.